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2005-11-07 - 8:12 a.m.

Hello again..

I am trying to get into the swing of journaling again. The guys are getting ready to come home! I am soooo glad. I guess I need to clean out my clothes that have ventured to Mike's side of the closet and into his empty drawers.

Heidi and I are all congested with thick green gook. It's allergies. I took her to the doctor to make sure and they confirmed it. I have a dr's appointment on Wednesday for my yearly, so while I'm there I'll see if they can refill my Allegra D prescription. That is the only stuff that really works for me. Claritin is a joke, Wintergreen Tic-Tacs work better than that crap. Anyway.

I have a TON of stuff to do today. I have to do all our laundry, clean, go to the post office, do some FRG stuff, and then tonight I have an ESC (enlisted spouses' club) meeting. Tomorrow I am going to start my aerobics class at the Y after I drop Heidi off at school. Can't wait! I have been on Weight Watchers for 3 weeks now and have lost 5 pounds so far. Down from 148 to 143. Another 20 to go and then I'll be done! I at least want to be down to 130 by the time Mike gets home!

Well, I'll try to check in with you all later.


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